Oyster Sauce and Butter Glazed Japanese Turnips
If you think you don’t like turnips, think again. While all turnips are tasty, Japanese turnips (also known as Tokyo or Hakurei turnips) are particularly delightful. These tend to be elusive at the grocery store but you can usually track them down at the farmers’ market during late winter and early spring. Don’t be quick to throw away the leafy green tops, as they’re just as delicious as the turnips themselves and especially delightful when sautéed with the turnips in this delicious sauce. The beauty of this sauce lies in its versatility. While I’m partial to turnips, you can grace this sauce upon a variety of vegetables! Whichever vegetables you opt for, top with a nice pan-seared piece of salmon.
Serves: 2 (as a side)
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
1 bunch Tokyo turnips
1 Tablespoon olive oil
½ cup vegetable stock (or chicken stock or water)
2 Tablespoons unsalted butter
2 Tablespoons oyster sauce
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
Sesame seeds, for garnish
1. Cut greens from turnips, leaving about a half inch of the stem attached to each bulb. Halve turnips lengthwise, from pole to pole. Roughly chop turnip greens and set aside.
2. Heat oil in a pan over high heat, just until it begins to lightly bubble. Add turnips, flat side down and sear until golden brown, about 5 minutes.
3. Reduce heat to medium and pour in stock. Add turnip greens and cover with lid, steam until greens are wilted, about 3 minutes.
4. Remove lid and stir in butter, oyster sauce, and lemon juice. Continue cooking until turnips are fork tender, timing will vary depending on the size of the turnips. If needed, you can loosen sauce with stock or water. Adjust seasoning to taste.
5. Transfer to serving bowl and top with black and white sesame seeds. Serve alongside seared salmon…and ra ra wine co. Pinot Noir Nouveau!
Chef’s note: If you are making this with alternate vegetables, simply cook them using your preferred method. In a pan over medium heat combine butter, oyster sauce, and lemon. Cook, stirring until emulsified and bubbling. Loosen sauce with water or stock, as needed. Adjust seasoning to taste and toss your favorite cooked veggies to coat.